Saturday, July 07, 2007

Yi Jiang Nan just off Hollywood Rd. on Staunton St. tucked along more Western style restaurants in Hong Kong is a small restaurant for regional Chinese cuisine. One of their particular specialties is a fish soup which is a pure white. The soup is made simply with turnips a whole bony fish (very bony) and a drop of milk. It is simple, clean and delicious.

After I tasted the soup, I knew that I had to try to recreate it (with a few additions):

I started with the basic soup stock (turnips, ginger, whatever fish was fresh at the market). After straining the stock into another pot I added the milk and enoki mushrooms. The beech mushrooms were roasted in the oven and finished with a flame.
Gongnam Fish Soup with Enoki Mushrooms and Fire Roasted White Beech Mushrooms